False Imprisonment and Criminal Mischief / People v KM

Not Guilty

False Imprisonment and Criminal Mischief / People v KM

Pitkin County


The client was found Not Guilty by a jury of his peers for False Imprisonment and Criminal Mischief. The client used to work as the manager of Roxy’s Corner. He had an ex-girlfriend who would constantly drive by and harass him — so much so that he had to get a restraining order against her. Additionally, the owners of Roxy’s and Steeps had banned her and her friends from the property. She had just gotten a new car and thought he wouldn’t know. She and her friend said they were going to Steeps and couldn’t find parking, so they parked behind the car wash on Roxy’s property. As our client was taking out the trash, he saw them hiding in the corner. He went to grab his phone to call the police and record them. As she tried to drive away she hit him with her car, breaking her mirror. She then tried to reverse and hit him and hit the tree by the car wash. The client stood in front of the car and called the police. The female officer arrived first and talked to the ex-girlfriend who said our client just came out of nowhere and beat on their car, even though her own video showed him calmly standing in front of the car calling the cops.  The cops gave the ex-girlfriend a ticket for trespassing and arrested our client for False Imprisonment and Criminal Mischief. The Judge wouldn’t let us get into the other three times the ex-girlfriend was cited for Violating the Protective Order, but the jury was very smart and read between the lines. “I’m calling the cops this time” is what he says on the video. The jury knew this wasn’t her first time harassing him. Big thank you to the jury for seeing through the evidence that wasn’t allowed to come in and realizing the truth. This was a just verdict that gave this man his life and freedom back.